Crew Certification Test

This Certification is for approved Street Team members. If you are not a member yet, please join us by contacting Ben Gardner at 321-202-0011.

How to properly respond to the Backstage Newsletter:
The backstage newsletter is generally released once a week. You will also receive a text message to notify you that it has been sent out. Be sure to log all your responses to the newsletter on the Crew Call and Booking Spreadsheet, located on Google Drive.
*Please let us know if you are unable to access this document, or Google Drive.

Have you memorized our mission statement?(required)

Do you understand the responsibilities of the Street Team?(required)

How many connection pins does an XLR cable have?(required)

To connect an external monitor to a laptop, what cable would you likely use?(required)

What is a Set of power?(required)

What are Stagepin cables for?(required)

Standing on stage, facing the crowd my left is..(required)

When at the booth, its important to..(required)

If I feel threatened by a Weirdo, I should..(required)

Banners should be rolled up..(required)

When approaching someone to sign up for the Newsletter..(required)

When I have the camera I should..

To contact another street team member

The best time to get directions to a venue or scheduled work place is..

Information regarding events, and meetings can be found..

About obstreetteam

Welcome to the Street Team area for The Street Team members are the foundation for the project and keep things moving. If you are not a member, feel free to browse. If you would like to find out more about the Street Team please visit the FAQ Street Team Page.
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